I lead a company based in the Czech Republic which provides a wide range of genealogical and travel services. We strive to guarantee excellent services for a very reasonable price. This is just a quick overview of our services. I will be happy to send you more information (including references of my former customers) related to the services that you are interested in. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Rev. Jan Dus
Mission Statement
It is not easy to find someone that you can trust at the other half of the globe. The main priority of this business is that we want to be trustworthy. This is my second job, but I am doing my best to be as professional in travel and genealogy as I am in my ministry. Our main priority is not the profit, but the excellence of our services. The first thing we do – whenever we are asked for a service – is a free estimate of the cost. Plus if you are a member of a genealogical society or any similar organization, we do not request any down payment from you. And even if you do pay a down payment, it never totals more than the first night of your hotel and one day of our services. All the other services are to be paid at the very end = at the time when you will be able to determine, if you were satisfied with our services. We have not had a client so far that would hesitate to pay for the services that we have provided.
Contact Us
It is our preference to communicate with our clients via e-mail. It is fast, usually reliable, and free of time-differences:
Snail Mail
You can also send us a regular letter at:
Rev. Jan Dus
E. Vencovskeho 1141
Policka - 572 01
Czech Republic