We have been offering a large scale of services related to genealogy and genealogical trips ever since 2003. We work individually with every client and assist them according to their needs. We believe that my strengths are flexibility and understanding of differences between the cultures in the USA and in Europe.
We are able to communicate in five different languages: Czech, English, German, French, and Russian. While visiting a foreign country that speaks a language that you do not understand, you can remain on the surface of international restaurants and hotels or you can accept our invitation to dig deeper and gain the most out of your trip.
Rev. Jan Dus is a professional genealogist and a Presbyterian minister, who has studied in Czechoslovakia, United States and Germany. Jan offers a variety of services related to genealogical research and trips to ancestral villages. He has provided research to more than 500 clients.
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International 2015, St. Paul, MN
Our Services
Genealogical Research in the Czech Republic
Search in archives
Creating family trees
Contacting living relatives
Visits of ancestral villages
Travel Services in Central Europe
Trips according to your wishes
We pick you up at the airport and drive you
Or we take care of you just at times when
you need us
Complete service: Guiding,
Interpreting, Driving
Languages: English; Czech; German; French
We love special wishes
Just let us know what you need
Translations (English, Czech, and more)
Historical documents
Old letters
Current correspondence
Anything else...